Adwa (also spelled Adowa, Aduwa, or Adua in Italian) is a market town and separate woreda in northern Ethiopia, and best known as the community closest to the decisive Battle of Adowa fought in 1896 with Italian troops. Notably, Ethiopian soldiers won the battle, thus being the only African nation to thwart European colonialism.

There are several places of sightseeing in Adwa, Ethiopia. You can visit to these places while you come to this one of the most popular tourist destination of Ethiopia. Adwa, Ethiopia is home to a number of famous churches. Adwa Awraja Fird Bet is the most popular church of Adwa. This church was established in several years back. You can see the superb architecture of this church. Adwa Gebri'el Bet was established by Dejazmach Wolde Gebriel in several years back. Adwa Maryam Bet, one of the most popular churches, was built by Ras Anda Haymanot.

Adwa Medhane `Alem Bete, Adwa Nigiste Saba Huletenya Dereja Timhirt Bet and Adwa Selasse Bet are some other renowned churches of this place. You can also visit Abba Garima Monastery near Adwa. This was established by one of the Nine Saints on sixth century. This is also recognized for its tenth century creeds. After traveling to plenty of churches, you can take a trip to the village of Fremona. This village had been the main place for the Jesuits in 16th century.

Still you can take trips to various other tourist destinations around Adwa such as: the ancient temple of Axum, Yeha, Debre Damo Monastery, the rock hewn churches of Tigray, Gheralta cluster, and Mekle.

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